
Our good relationships with clients enable us to maintain good relationships time after time.

Our testimonials are drawn from the excellent feedback we receive week on week from organisations and job seekers.

At BN Healthcare we recognise that high quality service in only achievable with the recruitment of suitably skilled, qualified and trained persons. This belief is further reinforced with the robust screening & recruitment process in place; ensuring high levels of vetting are completed.

Staff are sufficiently informed of roles, responsibilities and framework/contract criteria. We ensure our candidates attend mandatory training courses – in line with current legislation, including the Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF).

Our system notifies us in advance of any training that is reaching its expiry. If the client requires staff to be trained on any internal systems/ attend on-site training pre-requisite to completing their assigned duties, we will organise convenient times and dates for the member of staff to attend. This is then recorded to confirm adherence and completion. Further to this, and specifically in relation to Medication Administration, we operate 2-way validation process. This requires at least 2 trained/qualified persons to review the details of the medication before it can be administered. With a 2-step process which further reduce the possibility of any error..

Upon assigning a candidate to a role, the relevant managers will be issued with the candidate’s profile, including their CV. Full information included, including but not limited to: information on all vetting checks completed, professional qualifications and registration, training completed and skills & competencies assessed. A picture of the candidate is also included for identity purposes. This process further reassures the manager that the worker they are receiving is the right fit for the support being offered.

To ensure the quality of the service is maintained, BN has in place multiple performance checking, appraisal and feedback processes that are followed on all workers. Outside of the regular performance checking undertaken, feedback is sought on weekly basis from the individuals, families, carers, commissioners and any others involved in the delivery of the services. Feedback is recorded and allows us to track as to whether the objectives and key outcomes are being met for the individuals receiving our support.

Safeguarding is everyone’s business

BN Healthcare, reducing the risk of any safeguarding issues is seen as the first step in providing safe and effective supply. The approach of fully vetting and educating all agency workers prior to their deployment mitigates the risk of unsafe practice.